→ 입냄새
Coffee Breath / Bad Breath / Milk Breath
→ Be mortified [mɔ:rtɪfaɪd] 굴욕감을 느끼다 (be embarrassed 보다 쎈 표현)
mortify 굴욕감을 주다 / deeply mortified / feel mortified
→poor health 건강이 나쁜
→a heavy heart 무거운 마음
>She would've had a heavy heart, when she left her children behind. '
→Make me feel at home
→I was swelled 벅차 오르다 (swell 붓다)
→endoscope 내시경
→Everything was breathed. 잘 해결됐다, 고민이 날라갔다
→Taxing 아주 힘겨운, 힘든(육체적, 정신적으로)
>It was taxing.
→Feel under the weather 컨디션 상태가 안 좋다
>I'm feeling under the weather today.
→The loudest noise
>The loudest noise I've ever heard.
→Handyman 손재주가 좋은 사람
→Bear in mind (=keep in mind) 명심하다
>He bore in mind. / Bear the fact in mind / We'll bear you in mind. / bear in mind that
>I'll bear the word in mind.
→have a soft spot for ~에 약하다(좋아해서)
>I have a soft spot for ice cream.
→moderately 적당히
→I'll drop you off 내려줄께